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Exemption Policy

Exemptions will be given for full or part qualifications of other Professional Bodies and Universities.

Please note the following important rules for CMA exemptions:

  • Exemptions are a concession and are only awarded at the discretion of CMA; there is no automatic entitlement to exemptions. Where CMA determines that a qualification does not contain sufficient relevant coverage, no exemptions will be awarded.
  • As a general rule, exemptions are granted only where a qualification has been obtained in full. Part qualifications will be considered for professional qualifications only.
  • CMA does not award exemptions for exemptions; if you have been given credit for prior learning/exemptions, CMA requires copies of the educational documents relating to your previous qualification(s) to assess eligibility
  • Exemptions will not be granted for subjects, a student has unsuccessfully attempted at CMA examinations.
  • Once a student applies for exemptions, a second request for exemptions will not be entertained unless he/she obtains full qualifications subsequently. In this case it is mandatory that the student attaches a certified copy of the previous letter with the new application.
  • Exemption requests/documents sent via email/fax will not be entertained.
  • CMA does not award exemptions for professional experience.
  • Online print outs of academic transcripts are not acceptable for the purposes of claiming exemptions. Only copies of official documentation signed and stamped by the awarding body, can be accepted.
  • CMA has provided a list of qualifications for which it awards exemptions. Please note that CMA reserves the right to alter the exemptions at any given time, if required.

Any application which does not conform to the requirements will not be entertained


Upon receiving an exemption, it will be updated in your MYCMA account. Please note that we do not provide any confirmation letters or transcripts for exemptions granted. Following the completion of at least one examination, you may request a transcript from the Examinations Division which will include the exemptions received based on your prior qualifications.

Only for Conditional students

Upon receiving an exemption, it will be updated in your MYCMA account. Please note that we do not provide any confirmation letters or transcripts for the conditional exemptions granted. You can obtain your result sheets, transcript, or any results confirmation letters after submitting the relevant documentation as proof of the qualifications used to obtain conditional exemptions.
