Business Performance & Value Creation
Business Performance & Value Creation

CMA held its third annual conference on 2nd & 3rd November 2006 at Hotel Taj Samudra.
The theme of the conference was "Business Performance & Value Creation". Eminent speakers from Sri Lanka, India & Pakistan presented papers at the conference.
Among the speakers were Mr. Dhananjay V. Doshi, President ICWA India, Mr. A.N. Raman, Management Consultant and Mr. P. Thiruvengadam, Director, Management Consultancy Services, Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, India. Prof. Khawafa Saeed a past President of ICWA Pakistan & SAFA was the other distinguished speaker.
Inauguration of the Conference was on 2nd November at which Hon. Sarath Amunugama, Minister of Public Administration & Home Affaires was the Chief Guest and Mr. Nivard Cabral Governor Central Bank was the Guest of Honour.
The principal sponsor of the conference was Brandix Ltd, other sponsors were Dialog Telekom, SLT, MAS Holdings and Tokyo Cement, Media sponsors was MTV, Sirasa and Shakthi. We are indeed grateful to our sponsors for the success of the conference.
Presence of a large number of our members at the inauguration and at the conference was a great encouragement to us.
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