CMA Sri Lanka Final Apex Level Students Complete Workshop Series on Speech - Craft 11th batch
CMA Sri Lanka Final Apex Level Students Complete Workshop Series on Speech - Craft 11th batch
The CMA Sri Lanka Toastmasters Club conducted their eleventh speech - craft programme sponsored by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka. (CMA). Twenty eight participants at the Final Apex Level attended the Advanced Professional Communication Skills programme over a period of 12 sessions. The speech craft programme enabled budding CMA Management Accountants to be equipped with the necessary soft skills leading to development of holistic professionals. The Speech-Craft programmeme trained students to demonstrate effective speech-craft competencies with communication and leadership skills enabling them to become Professional Leaders competent to climb to the top of the corporate ladder under the astute leadership of Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala, which is one of his dreams come true.