Driving Business Through Strategic Management Accounting
Driving Business Through Strategic Management Accounting

The Society to coincide with its second anniversary which fell on 03rd June 2002 organized the inaugural CMA Business Management Conference on the theme. "Driving Business Through Strategic Management Accounting". The Key Note Address at the Conference was delivered by Mr. Robert Dye President and CEO CMA Canada on "Strategic Management Accounting for the 21st Century".
The Guests of Honour at the inaugural ceremony were Hon. Kingsley T. Wickremaratne Governor of the Southern Province and H/E Ruth Archibald High Commissioner for Canada.
The 3 technical sessions covered topics on Cost Dynamics, Strategic Management Accounting, Business Planning, Corporate Collapse, Business Process Re-engineering, Managing in Uncertain Conditions and the Cost of Bureaucracy. Eminent international and local experts presented papers at the conference and lead the discussion.
At the closing session the Chief Guest was Hon. Ravi Karunanayake Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The President of the Institute Conferred Fellow Membership of CMA Sri Lanka to Hon. Ravi Karunanayake.
- The distinguished foreign invitees who participated at the Conference included the following:
- Dr. Khawaja Amjad Saeed Member Advisory Council CMA Sri Lanka and Past President ICMA Pakistan and SAFA,
- Mr. Badrudding Fakhri President ICMA Pakistan,
- Mr. Ruhul Ameen Hon. Secretary ICMA Bangladesh
- Mr. A.N. Raman Former member Central Council ICWA India and Management Accounting Committee International Federation of Accountants,
- Mr. S. Ramanathan Council Member ICWA India
The conference was held at the Taj Samudra Hotel, Galle Face Centre Road, Colombo and attended by a large number of members.
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